Content marketing has been slow to take off among global Taiwanese companies. The reasons why are myriad. Insufficient content marketing and content...
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You can have a great content strategist cook up a great content marketing strategy and plan for your business. But that plan is only half the battle. In fact, it's not...
Trust is the single most important factor in determining whether companies do business with you. And with roughly 60% of the B2B buyer's journey complete by...
Content marketing and content strategy are both misunderstood. And the terms tend to be used somewhat interchangeably. And while they have...
Less than half of B2B marketers have a documented content strategy. And even among those that do, many don't really have a content strategy. They have a plan...
Not all marketing assets are content. And I've been in the content game since before "content" was a thing. But in all that time, I've never exactly been able to...
After years of fixation on performance marketing, lower-funnel tactics, and short-termism, the marketing world is falling in love with creativity again. At least...
The average B2B buyer's journey takes, with many ending without a purchase. Many marketers would assume the primary reason why is prospects...
When I first started doing branded social media, brands had high hopes. We really thought people wanted to "have a conversation" with brands and that we could...
Conversion is not and should not be the only reason why you're publishing . If all your content is about conversion, your brand will come across as needy...
Lead magnets have what may be the coolest name in the B2B marketing arsenal. Who wouldn't want a lead magnet? Well, the name is a bit misleading. Unlike...
Thought leadership is the only content AI can't generate, making it one of the few ways your brand can truly stand out through content. But thought...
When you're a small business, startup, or otherwise a non-leader B2B brand, branding and brand building are often viewed as luxury items, something you...
B2B marketing is replete with problematic terms that could mean anything, like brand marketing and growth marketing. But demand generation (demand-gen) is...
This is one of the content writing questions I get asked most often. And despite what an SEO tool might tell you, there is no one right answer. Because it's not...
As someone with skin in the game, I'm supposed to downplay the importance of generative AIs like ChatGPT or Midjourney. But who would I be...
Video, especially short video, is considered the most engaging form of social media content. The social media hubs have been pushing video content for...
There can be no single copywriting formula for advertising and marketing success, because there is no single kind of copywriting, there are actually two...
The old social media manager is out, and now you're suiting up for the big race. Well, congratulations. The branded social media management arena is an...
Few B2B marketing topics lead to swords being drawn faster than gated content. Marketers want those email addresses. Content people want their stuff out in...
B2B content marketing has peaks and lulls, and one of the things that elevates a senior content marketer above a junior content slacker is knowing how to...
Leadership is how B2B brands are built. But when it comes to content, thought leadership is the variety that gets the most oxygen. It has a great name...
Blogs cost money to write, especially in B2B, and they're slow burning by nature, leaving brands sorely in need of ways to maximize the reach and value they...
If you're a B2B business, or even a B2C business in certain domains, subject matter expertise can be a big factor in who you hire for marketing or content...
Guides and best practices for branded social are often written by agencies and influencers with millions of followers. But things often work differently at...
Marketing orthodoxy is largely written by leader brands for leader brands, which are only a tiny minority of the brands that exist. This extends to B2B brands and...
Blogs are the bread & butter of orthodox content marketing. Not every B2B business needs one, but if you don't have one, you'd better have strong brand...
If you're a B2B content marketer working in an industry that doesn't thrive during economic downturns, you're right to worry about them, because not only may you...
At agencies there can be quite specific differences between content writing and copywriting, and in what types of people do them. But clients are often...
Social media looks easy for the same reason writing looks easy, because we all do it. But anyone who does either professionally knows it's not even close to...
Ask a B2B marketer what the goals of content marketing should be, and awareness usually makes the list. And while this is not wrong, it's not the best...
Awareness and lead-gen tend to soak up most of the attention surrounding the content marketing funnel. Because awareness is how you get started, and...
When it comes to B2B content, lead generation is the holy grail, and the content marketer's job is to keep that sacred chalice full so your knights of the sales...
>If your brand is using social media primarily as an organic publishing and promotion channel, the difference between success and failure ultimately...
Probably no two terms in B2B marketing get mistaken for each other as often as demand generation and lead generation.. They are often treated as...
"Tesla does no marketing" is one of the business world's favorite factoids. While not exactly true (Tesla wouldn't sell tequila if they did no marketing), even...
The concept of brand advocacy, where your employees act in a concerted effort to raise your brand's profile via social media, is not new...
Content marketing assumes your brand's marketing funnel is in fact a funnel. Though there is disagreement about what role content should play...
Different marketers have slightly different views of the marketing funnel, and some differing names for the stages, and how many there are...
Branded social has gone from golden boy to punching bag in the past few years. Ad fraud, influencer fraud, organic decline, metrics gaming, and Radio Shack are...
Content marketing orthodoxy is very much oriented around larger businesses, leaving startups often addressed by "growth hackers" who seem more...
Back in the 20th century, the holy grail of marketing was to become a "heavyweight champion of the world" brand that inspires people to just do it. A brand...